About Our Organization

Founded in February 1933, our group was originally named the Dutchess County Psychiatric Society. The organization's name was legally changed July 12, 1996 when the District Branch incorporated and was classified as a 501(c)(6) not-for-profit, tax exempt organization pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code, a Type A Corporation as defined in Section 201 for nonprofit corporations.

Such corporations are formed exclusively to advance the practice and profession of psychiatry, as well as to promote public awareness and understanding of the needs of the mentally disabled. We also cooperate with allied mental health organizations and encourage research in the field of mental health. Our group functions as a District Branch of the American Psychiatric Association, encompassing the Counties of Dutchess, Putnam, Ulster, and Greene in the State of New York.

In 1980, the Executive Council of the District Branch established the position of, and appointed an, Executive Director to work with the council in all matters of the District Branch. An official office was established, giving the organization an address and a place to secure the files as well as conduct the business of the District Branch. Through the Executive Director, the District Branch is readily available to the members, the American Psychiatric Association, the New York State Psychiatric Association, the public, and other organizations.

The average number of members is 85, one-third of which are life members, which clearly reflects the number of years the District Branch has been in existence.
To be a life member, it is required that the member's age, plus the years of membership, must equal the number ninety-two.

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Call (845) 452-5894

Mission Statement

The purpose and objectives of the District Branch shall be:

- Improve Quality Treatment, Rehabilitation, Care of the Mental Disorders (to Include Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse) and Prevention of Psychiatric Disabilities.

- Promote Common Professional Interests of Its Members.

- Promote Professional Education in Psychiatry and Allied Fields.

- Broaden the Scope of Psychiatry by Promoting Cooperation and Education of All Concerned with Medical, Psychological, Legal and Social Aspects of Mental Illness.

- Promote the Best Interest of Patients and Those Actually Utilizing Mental Health Services.

- Advocate for Its Members.